X/Y Pedestal System
X/Y LEO Full Hemisperic Coverage Pedestal System
The counter weighted, X/Y pedestal system, traveling up to 10 degrees per second, and avoiding the key hole issue, provides full hemispehric coverage. It includes dual-pinion gear boxes for each axis to lessen the backlash and to meet the pointing and tracking accuracies. Slew Ring Rothe Erde Bearings, in addition to, FAG Angular Contact Bearings are also included on each axes resulting in a very stiff structure. The pedestal system is ACU agnostic.
BLDC, servo type, azimuth and elevation drive motors, designed for servo drive ACU control systems, are sized depending on the reflector size and weight.
The system is protected against the elements with a 100 mill thickness of flame sprayed galvanizing followed by a primer and two coats of white polyurethane paint. The lubricants furnished will operate from -40C to + 45C.